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Meat Comparison
Here you can find helpful information about
the pure breed Mangalitsa and Mangalitsa Crosses.
It is not easy but essential to know the differences.
Not every pig with curly hair is a Mangalitsa!
When you want to be 100% sure you buy a Pure Mangalitsa, you can send us an email, contact us on Facebook, go to the section "International Breeders" on this website or contact the Mangalitsa Breed Organization and registry MBOAR.
On this page we will give you information concerning the meat/fat when it comes to Mangalitsa, Mangalitsa Crosses and Meat-type breeds.
The differences in phenotype and how to determine if a pig/piglet is pure of breed or has signs of crossbreeding we will cover on the next page:
Mangalitsa & Mangalisa Crosses
The difference in Phenotype
The 30 pages educational PDF
"The Mangalitsa - The perfect Pig?"
We especially created this 'book' to help you understand the differences between pure breed Mangalitsa and Mangalitsa-crosses. It is not so much about the differences in phenotype or how to determine if a pig is pure of breed, but goes more in detail where the difference is in finishing time, feed costs and those subjects.
Feel free to download or share this file. Make sure when you use information from this file to mention the source.
Klick on the image and the PDF will open:
Difference between meat type hogs & Pure Mangalitsa
We would like to share these images with you so you get a better idea between the differences between a faster growing "Meat-type" pig breeds and the slower growing "Lard-type" pigs breeds.
Most heritage breeds belong to the Meat-type pigs:
Berkshire, Large Black, Old Spot, Duroc, Hampshire, Large White, Yorkshire, Red Wattle, Tamworth, Gloucestershire Old Spots, Hereford. We are not looking at Show-Pigs as those genetics do not really suit pasture raising and the goal to produce exceptional meat / fat.
The Lard-Type pig breeds are in certain aspects similar to the Mangalitsa but only the Ossabaw and the Iberico are 'cousins' of the Mangalitsa as their far ancestors share partly the same genetic roots from the "Roman" pig.
Lard-Type breeds are:
Mangalitsa, Ossabaw, Iberico, Mulefoot, American Guinea Hog, Idaho Pasture Pigs, Meishan
The The Livestock Conservancy Quick Reference Guide to Heritage Pigs gives you some inside information on the caracter and size of some of the American Heritage pig breeds here the link: The Livestock Conservancy Quick Reference Guide to Heritage Pigs
The Mangalitsa is not a recognised US breed as the first imports were in 2007.
Difference in carcass / Meat to Fat ratio:
Here you can see an x-ray of a regular 'Meat-type' hog/breed and at the right a 'Lard-Type' breed. The hams in the Lard breed is way 'flatter' than in the meat breed and the amount of meat is significant lower in the pig at the right. Also the fat % is way higher in the hog in right picture.
The file below shows you the same example only here we see the loin (red) in the first x-rays and the hams in the second picture.
When you would have a Mangalitsa cross (F1 - 50% Mangalitsa / 50% Meat breed) you will have less fat and more meat and the pigs will grow faster which means you can harvest them earlier. Mostly at 10-13 months. When feed a good diet, 16-18% protein. Most Mangalitsa crosses will still tend to be more 'Mangalitsa-like' than meat type like pigs.
When you would go to 1/4 Mangalitsa & 3/4 meat breed your pigs and carcass will more be like the carcass of a meat heritage breed with a bit more fat.
In this picture you can see also very nicely the big difference in the meat to fat ration in a Mangalitsa and a Blue Butt pig.
Below some cuts of a pure Mangalitsa 15 month old
Difference between the meat
Amount, Size, Color, Taste & Fat
Let's look at some another aspect of the comparison between pure Mangalitsa, Mangalitsa crosses and "Meat-type" breed heritage pigs.
Below is a picture showing at the left a 18 month old Mangalitsa loin, in the middle you see a loin of a commercial pig, probably 5 month of age. And at the right from the same mangalitsa the 'T-bone' cut / Loin with bone and tenderloin attached.
The first thing what is quite impressing is the difference in color. The Mangalitsa almost looks like beef. Also there is way more (delicious healthy) fat on the Mangalitsa. Part of the fat cap is trimmed off the Mangalitsa chops to keep a good balance between meat and fat when fried.
The Mangalitsa will be sweeter and has way more flavour than the commercial pork.
Mangalitsa crosses and other heritage breeds that are kept outside and have a good diet, will always be more flavourful and darker than confinement pigs. Scientific studies show, that the meat of a pasture raised pigs will be healthier for the human body, than the confinement pig breeds that grow very fast and never see sunlight nor root around. Most people do not know that confinement pig breeds reach slaughter weight with 5 month of age! Mangalitsas take between 14 -18 month and Mangalitsa crosses reach slaughter weight around 10 - 12 month of age.
Carcasses of a Mangalitsa at the left and an German 'Meat-type' pig breed