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United Kingdom

Otterburn Mangalitsa - Lisa Hodgson

Otterburn Mangalitza - the North Yorkshire home for pure Mangalitsas in the United Kingdom.


The Mangalitsa at Otterburn Mangalitzas reach their 'prime' at 2 years of age and neither the meat nor fat quality depreciate over time.

Their Mangalitsas have an unmatched reputation for quality, borne out by their high-profile clientéle and the growing global export demand. They rear our pigs to a minimum of 2 years, to ensure that they are the absolute best that they can be and, importantly, to give each animal a longer and happier life. 


All Mangalitza pigs are registered in the British Pig Association BPA.


For more information go to their website: Otterburn Mangalitza or Facebook: Otterburn Mangalitza


Lisa's Facebook: Lisa Hodgson


Album about her Mangalitsa Farm: Otterburn Mangalitza

Mangalitsa Herdbook UK / BPA

Here you find more about the Mangalitsa Herdbook in the UK / BPA

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