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Tel US:  517 712 9589 

Where all life matters


Who  are  we

Royal Mangalitsa is an initiative inspired by two passionate Mangalitsa breeders: 


Barbara Meyer zu Altenschildesche from the Netherlands(borne in Germany) and Wilhelm W. Kohl (borne in Austria) from the USA.

We started to work together in 2014. They got married in February 2020 and live partly in the US and Europe.


Wilhelm imported in 2010 the first Blonde Mangalitsa from Austria. In 2014 Red & Blonde Mangalitsas of Hungarian genetics were exported by Barbara to the US/Wilhelm and in 2016 additional Red and Swallow Belly breeding stock was exported again by her from the Netherlands to several US breeders.


More about these exports you can read here: History of the Mangalitsa pig in the US


Promoting the Mangalitsa pig and educate everyone interested in learning more about this beautiful heritage lard breed, created originally in 1833 in in the old Austro-Hungarian empire, is our main passion. 


Our goal is based on working with farmers, butchers and chefs interested in raising pigs in an ethical way, that want to work with high quality pork


We advise & educate about the Mangalitsa, and arrange for sale of breeding stock. All our service is free of charge!


On this website you will find lots of helpful information for breeders, butchers and chefs. 

We hope you will enjoy our website!


Barbara Meyer zu Altenschildesche

Wilhelm W. Kohl


When you want to raise 
Mangalitsa pigs start with reading these

 Nr 1
Facts about the Mangalitsa - Things you should know _ fat _ meat  ©
Nr 2
Pasture raising the Mangalitsa pig
Nr 3
The Mangalitsa Pig PDF
More publications you can find here

Building the Future 

Starts with good education
A Register & A Breed Organization

Logo ©MBOAR - without background-not allowed to use on Mangalitsa Meat_Lard products _PNG.

Royal Mangalitsa provides free of charge advise on all aspects of the breed. As we are working as volunteers and traveling a lot, please be patient when we do not return your email at once.
When it will take longer than 7 days please send us a reminder, this will be helpful for us!

A good way to contact us and ask questions is via Messenger on Barbara's Facebook here the link:

Barbara Meyer zu Altenschildesche

Since 4th of January 2021 the Mangalitsa has a Breed Organization & Registry.
Visit the website by clicking on the MORE button below and learn more about this
Organization and the Mangalitsa pig. MBOAR also provides advise where to find MBOAR Registered breeders and Breed Stock.

We together with others in the US and Canada have worked hard to finally have such Organization!

  • Mangalitsa Breed Organization And Registry

    1 hr

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